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Traditional Tea

Fadna Iramusu Tea

Iramusu Tea is a traditional herbal drink which is used to promote body’s cooling effect. Iramusu has been a safe treatment from ancient past to control various skin diseases and has the ability of detoxifying the body, through the easy elimination of toxins through urine.

USD 1.97

Fadna Ranawara Tea

Ranawara Tea is a herbal ayurvedic drink consumed over generations to live a long & healthy life. This tea is a great supplement for those suffering with sugar disorders. Moreover, Ranawara Tea can be beneficial in regulating body heat, control body odour through the elimination of toxins and restore vitality.

USD 2.77

Fadna Belimal Herbal Tea

Belimal tea is a traditional drink that is being used to soothe bowel irregularities and improve digestion. Belimal tea can help alleviate fatigue and harmful toxins from the body, which in turn will purify the blood and promote body’s cooling effect.

USD 2.77

Fadna Fennel Tea

Fennel Tea is greatly used to aid healthy digestion of food and is great to treat bowel irregularities and stomach discomfort. The fiber, potassium, magnesium, and calcium which are embedded in fennel are extremely healthy for the healthy function of the heart and body and is now presented to you through a flavourful cup of tea.

USD 2.79